
Website publisher

Hachette Livre, Sorry We Are French department, SA with a capital of 6,260,976 euros, identified under the number 602 060 147 RCS Nanterre, whose head office is located at 58, rue Jean Bleuzen, CS 70007, 92178 Vanves Cedex, France.

VAT number: FR 04 602 060 147

Telephone number: 01 40 09 30 00

Publication management

Director of publication:
Pierre Leroy, Chairman and CEO

Editorial manager:
Emmanuel Beltrando, Director of Sorry We Are French


The site is hosted by OVH, Roubaix. SAS with capital of €10,069,020, RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045. Head office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.

Webmaster: Dominique Chouane, SIREN 828661637, 14 rue Keller 75011 Paris. Contact: 06 3520 3582 /

Privacy policy

A charter defining the purpose and methods of personal data processing is available at the following address.


French board game publisher

Our studio designs and publishes a variety of board games in original universes (Iki, In the Footsteps of Darwin, Gosu X...). On this website, you'll find all our published games and upcoming releases, as well as events, tournaments and news about our games.