Welcome to Zhanguo: The First Empire! In this very special post, discover the true history of China behind Marco Canetta and SStefania Niccolini‘s eurogame. This historical story is fundamental to understanding the unification that gave rise to one of the world’s greatest empires!
From the Warring States to China
221 B.C. – With the defeat of the Qi kingdom, all the so-called Warring States (in Chinese, » Zhanguo « ) are brought together by Ying Zheng, King of Qin, » all under heaven « . This is the birth of the vast Chinese empire, of which the king of Qin proclaims himself emperor, choosing for himself the name of Qin Shi Huangdi (literally, « first emperor of the Qin dynasty »).

Qin Shi Huangdi and the Unification
A skilled and determined strategist, but also a shrewd governor, the first emperor wastes no time and, after having unified his empire militarily, he undertakes actions aimed at standardizing allthe base elements of Chinese society and culture.

First, he imposes a single writing system, to eliminate any linguistic and dialect differences between the various regions of China and allow clear communication between all the inhabitants of the empire. He introduces a single currency, to favor the development of trade. Finally, he establishes a new system of laws equal for all, with which he unifies, among other things, the units of weights and measures.

From the Great Wall to the Terracotta Army
He also builds palaces, canals, and roads; abolishes the feudal regime, and installs local governors to avoid political chaos. Above all, he starts the works for the construction of the greatest building in the history of mankind: the Great Wall.

A single life cannot suffice for such a vast empire and for such an ambitious man who feels he is the master of time and space; therefore the emperor sends ships to distant lands in search of the legendary elixir of life.

Meanwhile, pragmatic, not sure of the discovery of the miraculous potion, he builds a huge mausoleum containing the scale reconstruction of his empire, with rivers and seas of mercury. To defend it for eternity, he deploys underneath an impressive terracotta army…

From History to Zhanguo: The First Empire
This is where history and legend come to an end, to make way for play! In Zhanguo: The First Empire, you’ll take part in the Emperor’s great unification projects. For one game, you’ll enter the fantastic history of ancient China. Will you be worthy of Qin Shi Huangdi?